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Spring is here! And so is hay fever..

Danielle Marasco

What is hay fever?

It is an immune reaction to airborne allergens.

Airborne allergens or Antigens trigger a histamine response in the body which then defends you against these invading foreign substances by banishing them from your body the quickest way it knows how…. sneezing, coughing and lots of mucus! Allergies, dietary deficiencies, antibiotics, genetics and air pollution can put you in the firing line for a few months of sneezing, itchy watery eyes, a runny nose, itchy throat, headaches, cough, loss of smell, nasal congestion and all of the other symptoms that come with the springtime! Triggers can include exposure to grass, pollen, house dust, animal hair, fungal spores, feathers, air pollution and certain foods.

What to do?

Seasonal Allergies respond well to a reduction of mucus causing dairy foods and immune depleting sugars in the diet. Also lowering cortisol (stress) levels and increasing supplements such as;

  • Vitamin C

  • Quercetin

  • Vitamin A

  • Probiotics

  • Zinc​

Also, a blend of anti-allergy formulated herbs like Albizzia, Nettle, Eyebright, Perilla, Liquorice, Elde, Feverfew, Ginkgo and Yarrow can all help to relieve hay fever symptoms!

Diet and Lifestyle

A great way to reduce allergenic exposure is to eliminate things such as;

  • Environmental tobacco smoke, chemicals, irritants and pollution

  • Exposure to pets and animal dander, damp or mouldy housing conditions

  • Dust mites and cockroaches – clean and vacuum regularly, wash bedclothes in very hot water and try using mattress covers.

  • Dust-collecting household items (carpets, curtains)

  • Regularly washing soft toys, cushions, etc.

What am i reacting to and how do i make it stop?

My protocol for Hay fever is broken down into the steps - Weed, Seed and Feed

What does this mean?

Weed - Weed out the allergen! Utilising pathology tests to determine what the offending allergen is e.g. The Naturopath Laboratory offers extensive tests for airborne allergens; Trees, grasses, molds, dust mites, dog and cat dander, etc.

A Radioallergosorbent test (RAST): A laboratory test used to detect IgE antibodies to specific allergens. Seed – Seed the body with herbs and nutrition to decrease the symptoms. Feed – Feed the body an individualised desensitisation formula which then eliminates the allergic response for the following 5-7 years.

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